• | An old English name for a fairy; an elf. |
• | A low creeping evergreen plant (Pyxidanthera barbulata), with mosslike leaves and little white blossoms, found in New Jersey and southward, where it flowers in earliest spring. |
If you are looking for todays Wordle puzzle answer then you have come to the right place. As you already know all the words given consist of 5 letter words and the solution for todays Wordle (January 9 2023) can be found below. If you would like to play todays puzzle online then head over to the official website at Today's puzzle is edited by Tracy Bennett.
• | An old English name for a fairy; an elf. |
• | A low creeping evergreen plant (Pyxidanthera barbulata), with mosslike leaves and little white blossoms, found in New Jersey and southward, where it flowers in earliest spring. |
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